Learn about the triboelectric effect by rubbing a balloon on your head and then use the energy stored as static electricity to make a soda can move!
Experiments for Grades 6-8
Learn about air pressure with this experiment where you will observe how differences in air pressure in a closed space can cause an object to collapse.
Learn how the kinetic energy of water is transferred and used to perform mechanical work in this DIY Water Wheel experiment.
Learn how wind, a form of kinetic energy, powers wind turbines to provide electric power in this DIY toy car science experiment.
Observe a fun chemical reaction by baking delicious cookies! Join us in making deliciously scientific cookies made with sunflower seed butter.
Create batteries using food and test out different electrolytes to see which produces electric energy. Make your own batteries and see which one is stronger.
Create your own anemometer to measure and compare different wind speeds.
Observe how plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis in this DIY science experiment for your kids.
Learn about the greenhouse effect and complete an experiment to understand how certain human activities cause global warming.
Learn how different building materials absorb heat. Conduct an experiment to see how passive energy systems can control the temperature of one's home.